셀레우코스 제국        기원전300  2009. 4. 29. 15:00


셀레우코스 제국

위키백과 ― 우리 모두의 백과사전.

셀레우코스 제국알렉산드로스 대왕의 영토 가운데 헬레니즘의 계승국이다. 제국의 최대 영토는 아나톨리아 중부와 레반트, 메소포타미아, 페르시아, 투르크메니스탄, 파미르, 인더스 계곡을 포함한다.

셀레우코스 왕조에는 기원전 323년부터 기원전 60년까지 30명의 왕이 있었다. 이 통치기 동안 지배계층은 헬레니즘 문화의 우월성을 강조하여, 피지배계층의 문화를 무시하고 그리스화(化)만을 강요하다가 피지배민족의 독립운동으로 힘이 약해져 나중에는 로마에게 멸망하게 된다.

왕으로는 셀레우쿠스 1~7세, 안티오쿠스 1~13세, 알렉산드로스 발라스, 알렉산드로 2세 자비나스, 드미트리우스 2세 등이 있다.

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[편집] 바깥 고리

Alexander's Successors 323-47 BC

Gametesting the WAB Seleucid Empire Army Lists




셀레우코스 중형 옥실라







The figures above are Old glory and Newline Designs Seleucid Companions, figures by Jeff.

Dave Smiths' has crafted this fine looking Seleucid Cataphract regiment, these are a mix of Navigator and other lines... 



Later Seleucid 279-167 BC


Seleucid Elephant. 15mm Essex conversion.
Seleucid Elephant. 15mm Essex conversion.
Seleucid Elephant, front. 15mm Essex Conversion.
Seleucid Elephant, front. 15mm Essex Conversion.
Seleucid Argyaspids, with command group. 15mm Essex
Seleucid Argyaspids, with command group. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid cataphracts. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid cataphracts. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid companians, with general. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid companians, with general. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid camels. 15mm Essex
Seleucid camels. 15mm Essex.
Seleucid asiatic skirmishers. 15mm Essex
Seleucid asiatic skirmishers. 15mm Essex. 
Coin of the first Seleucid ruler, Seleucus I Nicator.

셀레우코스 1세


Seleucid Empire in 240BC

After two generations of war, Ptolemies, the Seleucids and the Antigonid kings of Macedon had archieved a sustainable political and military balance. Athens had faded as a political force, but Pergamum, Rhodes, Delos, Pontus on the Black Sea were all independent rising powers. Bactrian Greek rulers, breaking away from the Seleucid empire (c. 240BC) held Afghanistan (with parts of north-western India and Central Asia) for over a hundred years. The Parthians, whose era began in 247BC, were beginning to build up their power, which was to stretch from the Euphrates to Indus. 

Seleucid Empire in 185BC

With decisive victories over both the Macedonians (Cynoscephalae, 197BC) and the Seleucids (Magnesia, 190BC), Rome established herself as the dominant force in the eastern Mediterranean.

셀레우코스 제국에서 발견되는 메소포타미아(바빌로니아) 문화

우르크에서 출토

셀레우코스 레기온

갈라티아 워밴드



스키타이 전차


무장 전투 코끼리










My 2nd painted army in DBM 15mm is Seleucid and below is the bulk of the army. As my first army was Later Hungarian I wanted an army with elements I wasn't used to playing and it had to be a different period so I can enter more a broader range of themed competitions. Because painting is as much of a hobby for me as playing I didn't want masses of the same troop type. It had to have everything that the Hungarians don't: camels, elephants, artillery, cataphracts, pike, warband, naval, chariots and fast knights. The answer... Seleucid!
